Saturday, November 18, 2006

Okay, I'm back.

And I'm back because I noticed this morning that my little Lexmark icon on my toolbar had a red 'x' on it. I ran my mouse over it and beside the 'exit' choice, in brackets was, 'disables scan & copy buttons...'

Um. Could I have clicked exit on the Lexmark icon? I've restarted the computer since then, so what if I tried one more time...?

I plugged in the printer, tried a scan and voila...It works.

I just cannot communicate how completely stupid I feel at the moment. I mean, it's a complete and utter feeling of absolute stupidity. Feel free to laugh at me.

Oh boy. So the blog will probably still be slow until after christmas but then whenever I say something like that, declare my intentions, I generally turn around and do the opposite so who knows?

Anyhow, a few sketches that I liked. The first one was done a week ago but sort of captured that moment of exposed dumbassery when I realized my all-in-one was most likely fine. I call that sketch, "D'oh!"

Friday, November 17, 2006


This is miserable. My other scanners (I had two old ones) would probably work if I could find the damn power cords and cables. But who knows where they are? So I'm left buying a new all-in-one...After Christmas.

To be fair to the family though, I'm supposed to be baking and decorating right now so if my scanner had to go, now was probably a good time. So let me take a break until Christmas is over and done with and I have a shiny new Lexmark cheap-piece-of-crap to scan my drawings on. I'll stick any work I do away for the new year and there will be a whole pile of good stuff waiting to be viewed.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Scanner dead

Darn it. I went to scan some sketches today and when I pressed the little button my machine did nothing. I'm suspicious because it looks like little hands were playing with the paper feed function (which doesn't work now either. The whole machine is snottily unresponsive).

However, it's a $50 all-in-one printer we bought last January because it was cheaper then buying cartridges for our last printer so I think we got our money out of it. Now it's probably either go buy another cheap one or fire up the ten year old scanner I've got tucked away in the basement. We'll see.
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